Thursday, July 9, 2009


They can range from..
True friends..
Bestest friends..
Friends whom one can play with..
Friends whom one only know by name...
And definately ALOT more..

I think that we can be very close to friends..
We can tell them everyting about you..
Can tell them how much you love a guy in your class..
Can tell them how much you hate this girl in your class..
Can tell them how much you want something..
You can tell them alomst EVERYTHING that happened in your life..

However, there is always some things you can/must keep out from them..
You never know when they will suddenly change their minds..
And start betraying you..
And if they suddenly start having that strong hate for you..
They might be leaking out everything you've told them..

Not trying to tell you that you cannot trust a friend..
I also trust my friends! =D

It's just that it's always better to keep somethings to yourself :)

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