Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Chinese Oral Examination 2009.06.03

*Some are to be read in chinese...*
*Some(Most) are said in chinese*
Sorry bout that..
Me: Good morning, teacher..
Cher: Ok pls take a seat..
Cher: Ready when you are..
Me: -Started reading the passage-
(I read and read till all the saliva in me start to come out..)

Normal reaction is to pause at the correct time and swallow it =p
I did it!!

Cher: Ok. Lets move on to the conversation..
Cher: -Started to ask some question-
Me: Dui bu qi, ni ke yi zai shuo yi bian ma?
Me: Wo bu tai ming bai..
(and why i dun understand??)
(Probably because of the cina tone..)

Cher: -Repeated the question-
*I finally understood..*
Me: Tell her the things that i think..
Cher: Asked the next question bout if there are any solution to it..
Me: No.. (Thinking of how to add in more to that no...)
Me: unless they wanna change for the better..

Kk! so that's like the end..
After that me throat suddenly felt that it's like dry..
So dry that i can Hardly talk..
So that's about it in the morning..

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