Thursday, April 9, 2009

What a bad day..

I was only drinking less then a sip of water when that stupid coach said..
"EH!! come here!!"
Then, wat's the normal reaction??
Of course it's to go to him where is standing la..
But when I reach there, he was questioning me with lots of questions..
Then he ask me: 'What did I say?'
I was like, you say i drink water when I was suppose to come here..
Yah, I called for you all 3 times and you want all of them to wait for you??
I only heard it once!!
And that's the truth..
You can say I got hearing problem and it's the truth..
What do you want??
Nobody is born perfect..
Everybody will have some inperfection..
Hmm how goood could it be on a good Friday eve..